Sunday, December 21, 2008

end of 2008

Things I've accomplished this year:

Healthier Habits
*Quit smoking (1 year on New Year's Eve!)
*Lost close to 20 pounds since Jan. 1 First year in a very long time that I have ended the year smaller rather than bigger.
*Joined Weight Watchers
*Started exercising regularly.

*Got my Professional License in Spanish
*Took a graduate class and got an A (while working full time!)
*Passed the test to add an endorsement in English to my license

*Met more people
*Traveled to Portland
*Tried out new haircuts
*Went to FloydFest

Goals for 2009
*Continue losing weight, eating well, and exercising
*Join a group of some kind that has similar interests
*Continue not smoking
*Get a passport
*Travel abroad
*Get my house organized for real
*Save money

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